The pace of AI innovation this past year has been truly remarkable. But looking back, what stands out most is the incredible speed at which this technology has diffused. And throughout 2024, I had the privilege of witnessing countless examples of this around the world. 

A man (Satya Nadella) in a black full sleeves shirt with his hands joined. Background shows a bookshelf and a picture
A woman with tied-up hair, wearing a white lab coat, works on a laptop in a laboratory, with a microscope in the foreground.

A new Copilot tool will give Institut Curie researchers more time to focus on cancerA new Copilot tool will give Institut CurieA new Copilot tool will give Institut Curie
researchers more time to focus on cancerresearchers more time to focus on cancer

Institut Curie has been at the forefront of cancer work since it was founded by Marie Curie a century ago. Now they continue to adopt the latest technologies, in this case AI, to make the most progress in the fight against cancer. Institut Curie is working with Microsoft and partner Witivio to develop Copilot for Researcher, an agent that can help researchers with some of the administrative tasks in their jobs so they have more time to spend on actual new ideas.

Institut Curie has been at the forefront of cancer work since it was founded byInstitut Curie has been at the forefront of cancer work since it was founded by
Marie Curie a century ago. Now they continue to adopt the latest technologies,Marie Curie a century ago. Now they continue to adopt the latest technologies,
in this case AI, to make the most progress in the fight against cancer. Institutin this case AI, to make the most progress in the fight against cancer. Institut
Curie is working with Microsoft and partner Witivio to develop Copilot forCurie is working with Microsoft and partner Witivio to develop Copilot for
Researcher, an agent that can help researchers with some of the administrativeResearcher, an agent that can help researchers with some of the administrative
tasks in their jobs so they have more time to spend on actual new ideas.tasks in their jobs so they have more time to spend on actual new ideas.

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A man with a ponytail in a dark blue polo shirt working on the exterior of a machine in a glass box.

How AI is helping Siemens and thyssenkrupp bridge skilling gaps in manufacturingHow AI is helping Siemens and thyssenkruppHow AI is helping Siemens and thyssenkrupp
bridge skilling gaps in manufacturingbridge skilling gaps in manufacturing

Engineers talking to machines? A few years ago it would have sounded like science fiction, but Siemens, thyssenkrupp and Microsoft are making it a reality today. thyssenkrupp is using the Siemens Industrial Copilot, powered by Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, to address a skilled labor gap while revolutionizing how it programs and operates machinery.

Engineers talking to machines? A few years ago it would have sounded likeEngineers talking to machines? A few years ago it would have sounded like
science fiction, but Siemens, thyssenkrupp and Microsoft are making it a realityscience fiction, but Siemens, thyssenkrupp and Microsoft are making it a reality
today. thyssenkrupp is using the Siemens Industrial Copilot, powered bytoday. thyssenkrupp is using the Siemens Industrial Copilot, powered by
Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, to address a skilled labor gap whileMicrosoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, to address a skilled labor gap while
revolutionizing how it programs and operates machinery.revolutionizing how it programs and operates machinery.

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A line of tourists, following a leader with a flag, on a city sidewalk with an ornate building behind them

Discovering Rome’s hidden treasures with an AI virtual assistantDiscovering Rome’s hidden treasures with anDiscovering Rome’s hidden treasures with an
AI virtual assistantAI virtual assistant

Rome is harnessing the power of AI to help make the 2025 Jubilee memorable for an extra 35 million visitors. By equipping travelers with a virtual assistant named Julia, the city hopes to create a quiet revolution in how people experience the city, all while easing congestion around the most popular sites.

Rome is harnessing the power of AI to help make the 2025 Jubilee memorableRome is harnessing the power of AI to help make the 2025 Jubilee memorable
for an extra 35 million visitors. By equipping travelers with a virtual assistantfor an extra 35 million visitors. By equipping travelers with a virtual assistant
named Julia, the city hopes to create a quiet revolution in how peoplenamed Julia, the city hopes to create a quiet revolution in how people
experience the city, all while easing congestion around the most popular sites.experience the city, all while easing congestion around the most popular sites.

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A male teacher in a blue plaid shirt interacting with students in blue uniforms in a classroom

India’s schoolteachers are drafting better lesson plans faster, thanks to a copilotIndia’s schoolteachers are drafting betterIndia’s schoolteachers are drafting better
lesson plans faster, thanks to a copilotlesson plans faster, thanks to a copilot

Sikshana Foundation is working with Microsoft Research India to introduce an AI copilot for teachers that shortens preparation time for lessons from an hour or more to just minutes. Teachers in government schools in and around Bengaluru have been trying out Shiksha copilot to create lesson plans complete with activities, video and assessments, modified to match resources. It is part of a wider effort by Microsoft Research India called Project VeLLM to make generative AI copilots accessible to everybody from teachers to farmers to small businesses.

Sikshana Foundation is working with Microsoft Research India to introduce anSikshana Foundation is working with Microsoft Research India to introduce an
AI copilot for teachers that shortens preparation time for lessons from an hourAI copilot for teachers that shortens preparation time for lessons from an hour
or more to just minutes. Teachers in government schools in and aroundor more to just minutes. Teachers in government schools in and around
Bengaluru have been trying out Shiksha copilot to create lesson plansBengaluru have been trying out Shiksha copilot to create lesson plans
complete with activities, video and assessments, modified to match resources.complete with activities, video and assessments, modified to match resources.
It is part of a wider effort by Microsoft Research India called Project VeLLM toIt is part of a wider effort by Microsoft Research India called Project VeLLM to
make generative AI copilots accessible to everybody from teachers to farmersmake generative AI copilots accessible to everybody from teachers to farmers
to small small businesses.

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Man in a hat squatting on a wooden plank over a pond hauling a catch of shrimp

To keep fish and shrimp healthy, farmers in Indonesia now have a copilot to helpTo keep fish and shrimp healthy, farmers inTo keep fish and shrimp healthy, farmers in
Indonesia now have a copilot to helpIndonesia now have a copilot to help

Shrimp are sensitive creatures, needing just the right balance of light, oxygen, pH and phytoplankton to thrive in ponds. Farmers in Indonesia are turning to a generative AI assistant to help keep their shrimp healthy. Accessed through a mobile app, the AI assistant is a pilot project by aquaculture startup eFishery using Azure OpenAI Service.

Shrimp are sensitive creatures, needing just the right balance of light, oxygen,Shrimp are sensitive creatures, needing just the right balance of light, oxygen,
pH and phytoplankton to thrive in ponds. Farmers in Indonesia are turning to apH and phytoplankton to thrive in ponds. Farmers in Indonesia are turning to a
generative AI assistant to help keep their shrimp healthy. Accessed through agenerative AI assistant to help keep their shrimp healthy. Accessed through a
mobile app, the AI assistant is a pilot project by aquaculture startup eFisherymobile app, the AI assistant is a pilot project by aquaculture startup eFishery
using Azure OpenAI Service.using Azure OpenAI Service.

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A boy in a denim shirt and a woman with curls in a red top looking at the laptop together

Eduvos simplifies student enrolment experience from 90 days to instant with Microsoft and Dynamics 365Eduvos simplifies student enrolmentEduvos simplifies student enrolment
experience from 90 days to instant withexperience from 90 days to instant with
Microsoft and Dynamics 365Microsoft and Dynamics 365

South Africa’s Eduvos has streamlined student enrolment processes, reducing the time from 90 days to nearly instantaneous and associated costs by 90% with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure.

South Africa’s Eduvos has streamlined student enrolment processes, reducingSouth Africa’s Eduvos has streamlined student enrolment processes, reducing
the time from 90 days to nearly instantaneous and associated costs by 90%the time from 90 days to nearly instantaneous and associated costs by 90%
with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure.with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure.

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Two animals on a fallen branch in a rainforest with red detection boxes around them

Project Guacamaya uses daily satellite images, Amazon‑specific AI models in battle against deforestationProject Guacamaya uses daily satelliteProject Guacamaya uses daily satellite
images, Amazon‑specific AI models in battleimages, Amazon‑specific AI models in battle
against deforestationagainst deforestation

The Guacamaya Project, a collaboration between Microsoft and Colombian organizations, applies various AI models tailored to the Amazon ecosystem to help prevent its deforestation. The latest technological advances allow scientists to obtain faster results to act more quickly.

The Guacamaya Project, a collaboration between Microsoft and ColombianThe Guacamaya Project, a collaboration between Microsoft and Colombian
organizations, applies various AI models tailored to the Amazon ecosystem toorganizations, applies various AI models tailored to the Amazon ecosystem to
help prevent its deforestation. The latest technological advances allowhelp prevent its deforestation. The latest technological advances allow
scientists to obtain faster results to act more quickly.scientists to obtain faster results to act more quickly.

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Multiple people sitting at a table with a projector screen in the background

How a women‑led tech startup is using AI to motivate Brazilians to take better care of themselvesHow a women‑led tech startup is using AI toHow a women‑led tech startup is using AI to
motivate Brazilians to take better care ofmotivate Brazilians to take better care of

A Brazilian technology startup that uses generative AI and a unique gamification strategy to encourage healthy habits has transformed what could be a daunting task into something fun and engaging. Launched in 2020 by a trio of women entrepreneurs, RadarFit offers a comprehensive health and wellness program aimed at helping companies reduce chronic disease rates. The app encourages and measures employee activity in four key metrics: healthy eating, hydration, meditation, and physical activity.

A Brazilian technology startup that uses generative AI and a uniqueA Brazilian technology startup that uses generative AI and a unique
gamification strategy to encourage healthy habits has transformed what couldgamification strategy to encourage healthy habits has transformed what could
be a daunting task into something fun and engaging. Launched in 2020 by abe a daunting task into something fun and engaging. Launched in 2020 by a
trio of women entrepreneurs, RadarFit offers a comprehensive health andtrio of women entrepreneurs, RadarFit offers a comprehensive health and
wellness program aimed at helping companies reduce chronic disease rates.wellness program aimed at helping companies reduce chronic disease rates.
The app encourages and measures employee activity in four key metrics:The app encourages and measures employee activity in four key metrics:
healthy eating, hydration, meditation, and physical activity.healthy eating, hydration, meditation, and physical activity.

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A student in a red hoodie is focused on the laptop screen, while a woman, teacher in a blue shirt stands nearby, observing.

Khan Academy and Microsoft partner to expand access to AI tools that personalize teaching and help make learning funKhan Academy and Microsoft partner toKhan Academy and Microsoft partner to
expand access to AI tools that personalizeexpand access to AI tools that personalize
teaching and help make learning funteaching and help make learning fun

The online tutoring pioneer is bringing time-saving and lesson-enhancing AI tools to millions of educators. By donating access to Azure AI-optimized infrastructure, Microsoft is enabling Khan Academy to offer all K-12 educators in the U.S. free access to the pilot of Khanmigo for Teachers, which will now be powered by Azure OpenAI Service.  The two companies will also collaborate to explore opportunities to improve AI tools for math tutoring with a new version of Phi-3, a family of small language models (SLMs) developed by Microsoft.

The online tutoring pioneer is bringing time-saving and lesson-enhancing AIThe online tutoring pioneer is bringing time-saving and lesson-enhancing AI
tools to millions of educators. By donating access to Azure AI-optimizedtools to millions of educators. By donating access to Azure AI-optimized
infrastructure, Microsoft is enabling Khan Academy to offer all K-12 educatorsinfrastructure, Microsoft is enabling Khan Academy to offer all K-12 educators
in the U.S. free access to the pilot of Khanmigo for Teachers, which will now bein the U.S. free access to the pilot of Khanmigo for Teachers, which will now be
powered by Azure OpenAI Service.  The two companies will also collaborate topowered by Azure OpenAI Service.  The two companies will also collaborate to
explore opportunities to improve AI tools for math tutoring with a new versionexplore opportunities to improve AI tools for math tutoring with a new version
of Phi-3, a family of small language models (SLMs) developed by Microsoft.of Phi-3, a family of small language models (SLMs) developed by Microsoft.

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