A project has been launched to help ensure that self-driving car technology is safely implemented.

The Methods for Assurance of Self-Driving Vehicles scheme, known as Massdrive, will aim to develop robust methods of approving and certifying self-driving cars as they become available.

It has been launched by scientists and experts led by the University of Surrey.

Professor Saber Fallah, co-investigator on the project, said: “We want to create strong connections between car makers, people who set the rules, academics, government groups and local communities.”

In November last year, the government announced plans for new legislation to bring automated driving to UK roads.

All self-driving vehicles will be required to undergo robust safety testing, the government said.

Mr Fallah, the director of the connected autonomous vehicles research lab at the university, said Massdrive will bring together scientists, regulators and the public to begin conversations about how to make self-driving cars safe.

“Our main goal is to make sure these vehicles are safe,” he said.

“By having regular discussions, workshops and meetings, we’re creating a space where everyone can share ideas and good ways of doing things, focusing particularly on making sure the AI in cars is trustworthy.”

Massdrive is a collaboration between the University of Surrey, the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol, and has been funded by Innovate UK.


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